Irene Wanner
“Before Curves, I used a cane to walk and was scheduling knee surgery. After losing weight and exercising, I’ve hung up my cane and postponed my surgery—hopefully for good.”

February 11, 2003 is the day that Irene Wanner changed her life. She was overweight at 230 pounds, had bad knees and was using a cane for support. Her doctor told her that she would have to lose some weight and get her blood pressure down before she could perform knee surgery. Her doctor gave her the name of a local diet clinic, but the thought of getting on yet another diet did not appeal to Irene. Then she remembered a friend telling her about Curves. She joined immediately! After three months she was losing weight and her knees began to feel a lot better. She continued to lose weight after she joined the Six Week Solution Class. It has been four years since Irene never did have to have that knee surgery. In fact, she hung up her cane for good!